NEW DELHI: At 16, Reuben Pereira is a
brand ambassador. Haven’t heard of him? Of course, you
haven’t — not unless you’re an avid Fifa player. Nah!
We’re not suggesting that you play shoulder to shoulder
with Ronaldino or Beckham. This is about the world of
cyber gaming that has a huge youngster population in its
grip and has thrown up heroes like Pereira — it’s the
world that Indian gaming companies are trying to crack.
“And what’s a better way than to project
yourself as friends of gamers? Especially, considering
that gaming’s getting to be the biggest passion with the
young crowd after cricket and Bollywood. Also, we want
to make then world-class players,” says Alok Kejriwal,
CEO, Games2win.
The company’s recently signed up
seven gamers — five CounterStrike champs and two for
Need for Speed. All of them are winners in the India
round of international matches. Indiagames, meanwhile,
has signed up Pereira and three others. Says Indiagames
CEO Vishal Gondal, “Gaming needs to be treated as a form
of sport — now that’s one area that receives hardly any
support from any quarter. And that’s why we feel we can
work to make a difference.” Other companies are scouting
around too, but won’t talk about their plans now. “But
it’s certainly the future trend in online gaming,” says
Sunil Buch, head, marketing, Reliance World. “It’s a
great trend and it’s what we’re going to see quite a bit
in future in various areas. Getting the gamer himself to
endorse the game is the best way and part of a larger
movement of creating usage-generated celebrities. It
makes the user more important and a sort of role model,”
says an Indiatimes spokesperson. Blogging, that’s been
made popular by many of these sites, including
Indiatimes, is one more way to get the user involved,
the spokesperson added.
For these ‘power
gamers’, who’ve been complaining for quite a while about
the lack of sponsorships that their sport attracted, are
an ‘elated’ bunch. They’re paid a salary or a lumpsum
amount annually and get to keep all the cash prizes they
win at tournaments. Gaming companies are also trying to
work out endorsements for other brands eyeing this
segment — the revenue sharing model will benefit all!
“But the biggest relief is that the entire
headache of planning my itinerary, arranging the travel,
booking hotel rooms and all other details before a
tournament, is now my company’s,” says Dhruv Mody, who
dropped out of college last year to be a professional
gamer and has been signed up by Games2Win. For Mody,
it’s indeed a big deal because there are 12-15
tournaments in a year. “It could go up to 20-25 and with
things looking up in gaming, it may even get better,”
Mody says. Better — that it certainly is — and so at the
moment, Warcraft hero Sagar Vaishnav, who has a couple
of offers, hasn’t decided which one to take up.
“It’s going beyond that to know their mind —
they are what make up our audience and we need to know
what that community thinks,” says Mr Kejriwal. |