Games2Win launches Slapster Application for Orkut (G2W) has launched a new game for Orkut members named Slapster. Using the new Slapster application, users can ‘virtually slap’ their friends and play with them. They can also state their reason for slapping.
Also Slapster delivers personalized experience to Orkut members. Users can personalize it by adding a male or female avatar for a friend’s profile picture.
Alok Kejriwal, Founder and CEO of Games2win said, “The application is based on one of’s popular games. The game-play translated seamlessly into an SNS application format.”
Orkut members can install the Slapster application and enjoy it with their friends. They can also slap enough times at breakneck speed and can get proud with a Slapster badge to display - An amateur Slapper starts with the rank of ‘Second Leiutenant’ and climbs up the Corporal Ladder as top ranked ‘General’.