It’s an entertaining game with a clever premise for Indians obsessed with politics
New Delhi: Over 3,00,000 Indians want to be PM. And they’re doing this courtesy a video game that is a virtual take on the life and times of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Games2Win’s online game ‘Singh is King’ tracks the PM’s political career. And the obstacles in the game are out of India’s recent political past — from the Indo-US nuclear deal, to farmer suicides, the CPM, spiralling inflation, rising oil prices, crashing markets and allegations of cash for vote.
Alok Kejriwal, founder and CEO of Games2win, says, “The idea was to tell people what a heroic task he has done during his tenure. You can reach the throne if you know how to overcome obstacles.” Kejriwal says within three days of its launch, the number of players had crossed 3,00,000.
Gopal Sathe, who runs a gaming portal, said “It’s an entertaining game with a clever premise for Indians obsessed with politic. It’s named after a hyped, just released film. It’ll be forgotten soon, but that’s the nature of the casual gaming market.”
The game will have a mobile version in three weeks. Says Kejriwal, “As a tribute to the PM it will be made available for free. We’ve even sent a link to him via his website.”
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